Shadow Portrait

Several years ago I made a notable mistake. While basking in singledom misery I got an email from an old friend. Long married with two spawn, spoiled with $5ook in the bank, and a gray job, he pressed “send” in hopes of connecting with a dark-haired time...

Nauset Apocalypse

It was blindingly bright, the kind of day that makes your eyes water. I was sitting on the north side of the beach and was steamed like a dumpling in my sweaty towel. The water was a challenging 62 degrees, and I was unopposed in my bid to forgo it. I walked up the...

Lifeguard of Doom

  In August, Tom and I met up with his brother and sister-in-law. The twin nephews were in a summer soccer tournament on Kalmus Beach, and since we’re close by we decided to come along. Enroute we realized we didn’t have a beach sticker, so it seemed...

My Mom, the Moon and Me

  There are times when finding a subject can prove trying. But then there’s always Mom… a willing participant in most of my exploits. What I like about this image is the juxtaposition of youth and age, and the subtle differences in the mode of reverie:...