Nauset Beach, Orleans MA

Nauset Beach, Orleans MA

It was blindingly bright, the kind of day that makes your eyes water. I was sitting on the north side of the beach and was steamed like a dumpling in my sweaty towel. The water was a challenging 62 degrees, and I was unopposed in my bid to forgo it.

I walked up the beach to view  the sky. The sun was weaving in and out as the clouds thickened and darkened around it. It didn’t look like rain, it didn’t look like fog, it looked like something wicked. I climbed up the stairs near the snack bar to get a better view, but I didn’t see a picture. So I just stood there.

The sky was cluttered, and more clouds darkened the horizon. Then I saw a couple walking toward me leaving the beach, perhaps only for onion rings, but it my mind they were fleeing uncertain weather anomalies and a cloud-covered doom. Hurry! Hurry!

Even when I look at this image now, I’m still waiting a fin to appear.